dijous, 30 de gener del 2014


During the first term our school contacted with schools from Poland and Turkey.
They sent us power point and we sent them letters .
 We explained who we are,what we do in Christmas time,... and a power point to explain them how we celebrated Christmas here in Catalonia.
They explained us how they celebrated Christmas with their families in their countries.

Now you can watch our power point.We hope that you like it!

dimecres, 22 de gener del 2014


The first term all the pupils from third level until sixth level began to following to work with the English corners:listening corner:they complete a english song,computer corner:they play computers games in English,games corner. they practise the language with different games,speaking corner they speak English with short dialogues,

divendres, 10 de gener del 2014

El canal Super3 emetrà en anglès "Wordgirl"

TVC fomenta l'aprenentatge de l'anglès entre els escolars de Catalunya.

A partir del 8 de gener, el canal Super3 emetrà en anglès "Wordgirl", la versió original de "Supermots". Es tracta d'un projecte per fomentar l'aprenentatge de l'anglès entre els escolars que s'emmarca en l'acord signat entre el Departament d'Ensenyament i TV3.


Pupils from 6th level have been working with Andy Warhol along the first term .One of their works was to draw themselves and paint with cold and hot colours like did Andy Warhol.Here you can see their pictures.
Can you reconized them?